Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I see what you did there.

A few things about me:

- I've given thought to writing a blog for several years now.

- I have managed to not write a blog for several years now.

- I have now decided to write a blog.

Here are a few more things about me:

- I hate logical fallacies and conversational terrorism with a passion.

- I love logic, justice and morality.

- I think it's important to share ultimate truth with others in a way that they can understand clearly.

- I love sports, music, cooking, reading and craft beer.

- Apparently I am an ENTP personality type, which upon examination I find describes me quite well.

I've chosen to write this blog for a few reasons.

1. To record thoughts I feel are important.

2. To organize and save information I think is worthwhile.

3. To share with others.

4. To engage in meaningful discussion with others.

5. To learn to communicate better.

6. To understand the world I live in more fully.

7. To build something permanent I can be proud of that accurately reflects who I am and what I value.

Wow, that was a lot of "few" for one post. I'll try to set expectations better next time.

I don't expect that very many people will read this for a while (or possibly ever), but for anyone that happens to, just know that I appreciate it. I may not have specific knowledge that you're taking the time to do so, but just understand that I've considered the likelihood that this will be read and have preemptively experienced inner gratitude at this taking place.

That being said, I do not at all expect to receive charity attention; I expect this to be entertaining and addictive.. like fantasy sports*.

But yeah.. introductions are boring and long-winded.. and with the Twitter and the Facebook and the Google the kids these days just don't have any kind of attention span. So on that note, I'll leave you with this timely message:

*Or if you're female (insert random female interest here)

1 comment:

Melanie Medeiros said...

Perfect first post for you Jake. ;) i'm excited! how do i follow you? i dont see a button anywhere...